Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Change the Reality

A family goes grocery shopping and buys whatever they need according to the meal plan for the week. They get back and put away the groceries together. They cook their meals at home. The kids help to prep the veggies and they sit down to dinner together every night.

For most families, the above is a fantasy.
Reality is drive thru, soccer games, after school activities and eating on the go.

For now, we have to accept that this is how it is.

The question then is how do you infiltrate a culture, a community, a family with more healthful options? With fruits and veggies?

Because it will only be a a shift in the culture at home and from outside that can bring about real changes in eating patterns and habits.

That means parents making changes at home as well as the village making changes at the baseball field and the principals saying no to handing out candy in school.

If we focus on the positive, the negative dissipates.

Reality can be changed and it begins with you of course.

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