Sunday, November 23, 2014

Fun Week at Dickinson Elementary!

Eat the Rainbow Challenge took place at Dickinson Elementary in Sugarland, TX last week and what a success it was!

Here's a few comments by the organizer and parents at the school!

"I have never seen so many kids excited to eat fruits & veggies:)"

"The kids are SO loving the challenge. I will be sad to see it come to an end this week--it has been fun volunteering!"

"The kids are so into this contest - fun to see them gobbling up the fruits and vegs!"

Thanks to our wonderful partners for sponsoring and getting so many kids excited about eating fruits and veggies! 


A special thanks to Brenda Thomspon, healthy lifestyles chairperson for organizing this event at her school!  
Check out some of the pictures from this recent event on our facebook page.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

What's Good For You?

New diets and new ways of eating. Every. Single. Day.
If someone doesn't tell you that the food you thought was so healthy is actually not good for you, how else would they get your attention?
With the experts and media proclaiming one food to be a superfood one day and then banishing to the not-really healthy category after a few months, it's not surprising that most consumers are confused and suspicious.
The common sense and balanced approach to eating is not glamorous and it's difficult to sensationalize it.
For most people, though, it is the only approach that makes sense.